Everyday we face problem. But all the problems, we manage to solve it eventually. But before the problems been solved, we will worry about it. Why? Because we are so committed to our work. We worry it will spoil our reputation, worry about our year end appraisal, worry about the client will not be happy with us and end up with termination of project, and there are so many worries!
Every problem sure will has its solution. If we spend some time to analyze the problem and situation with open minded, then we will see the ways! Of course, who caused the problem? Don't blame people, it always our faults or careless mistakes. I learnt from mistakes. Not mistake but mistakes. Now, everything I follow black and white. No argument after this. Fair to every parties.
Talk easy and advise people lagi easy. When I face problem, also 'musam muka' for the whole day.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Posted by
1:43 AM
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our life will not complete without a problem....i have a very2 big problem!!! i'm a girl but taking dip aircond(not sure if this course suitable for me)...in the future what can i do with my dip??? for me it not important if i not interested about aircond but it important if i willing to learn about the aircond..i already open my heart n soul to learn about aircond..but at the end of my study, i want to work!!what job suitable for me??-help me-
It's not a problem for a girl to take the air cond diploma course. The most important thing is you have to be confidence with your capability. If you think you can, then you can. My ambition is to be a doctor, but I end up with a mechanical & material engineer, and now is a lecturer. Why? Because my parents hope to have an engineer son. So, here I am! For me, I can do anything, as long as I put in effort and always believe that nothing is impossible! Keep it up! You won't regret it! Your bright future is awaiting you just next to the corner!
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